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STIENU JEPARA-Your Brigth future is starting here

Department of Economics Nahdlatul Ulama (STIENU) Jepara can not be considered
nothing. As the module Universités 8 October 1997 a work permit RK Mendikbud 68/D/o/1997 No. 2 Course Management (S1) and Accounting (S1)

characteristics and added value, which is not very different from other universities who are already in first. STIENU Jepara, which is now "Your future is bright here is the boast of facilities, including:

The first 3-storey building with a prestigious lecture conditioner and use the LCD projector.
In accordance with the access to internet 24 hours a day, and of Hot Spot.
Third E-learning, make it easy for students to download at any time to collect materials and activities.
The fourth labor costs for accounting students well-trained and qualified, available lab computers on the Internet.
Fifth-based digital library.
Sixth Anjungan students.
Seventh Anjungan Internet for free.
Campus eighth internet cafe.
Ninth mica Bank (Mini College), where students must work procedures and operations to meet the needs of the university.
Tenth joint business partners.
11 Field hockey, volleyball, table tennis and football.
12 field of the main block of activities for students (USA)
13 wall climbing.

Although value added, including:

* Organization of course, that the direction of economic development priorities.
* Keep the program is based on five competencies, the intensity and the religion of Islam.
* Campus in the strategic context and important carved rate (Meuble centers of the courts located rattan, and so on).
* Can accept transfer of the curriculum and much more.
* No public examinations (Self Test).
* Education may, within four years.
* Providing scholarships for students who can not afford, and actively participates in various activities, a student.
* And that is what matters, namely: training costs and the cost of living is relatively cheap and environment "wet land" for "education" is very well possible for students to learn and work, and very practical for the link and match. "

Universities in the educational process energy profersional faculty in support of the college in the near future as STIENU UNDIP and EMC, is the adoption of a new Student Service Day, which is designed for prospective students who have signed the 'entrance exam and immediately see the results the same day from one of the benefits STIENU eLearning.

STIENU Jepara is still waiting for a better, obviously with the various agencies that progress faster.

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